PERPIBI Perkumpulan Instruktur Pijat Bayi Indonesia is an independent organization without being tied to a religious institution or specific political activities. PERPIBI is an Indonesian Infat massage instructor organization which is a non-profit organization.
PERPIBI is an organization that accommodates all professions of infant massage instructors or called CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructors) located throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
PERPIBI members consist of CIMI and CIMI Candidates or Infant Massage instructor students. All members are Indonesian citizens (WNI) and foreign nationals (WNA) domiciled in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, where affiliated members work in accordance with the Mission Statement and the objectives of IAIM and PERPIBI.
PERPIBI is an organization whose rules are based on the rules stipulated in the IAIM regulations and are developed in accordance with the needs and regulations in force in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
PERPIBI is a representative of IAIM for the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia PERPIBI regulates its own households.
PERPIBI encourages its members to always improve their knowledge and skills, so that they can always participate in the implementation and development of PERPIBI programs
Certified Instructors
Our Certified Instructors have completed an intensive instructor training course, practicum module and examination specifically designed by the Association. We teach parents to massage their baby in a relaxing and fun enviroment. This course has been taught in over 74 countries since its inception in 1982.